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communication hardware中文是什么意思

用"communication hardware"造句"communication hardware"怎么读"communication hardware" in a sentence


  • 通信硬件


  • The communication hardware and chinese version software necessary to the network monitoring sysytem all - round solution are provided by the xiamen aosif engineering ltd
  • The high - level framework divides , as shown on the right , the solution stack into mobile middleware , internet protocol suite , operating system , and computing and communication hardware
  • There s far more to it than that , though ; thousands of fortran - coded programs report on financials , control factory equipment , analyze experimental data , manage personnel records , switch communications hardware , and perform similar vital functions every working day
  • This paper designs a communication hardware platform based on the embedded communication microprocessor mpc850 in embedded linux operation environment . its content mainly includes two proportions : design of mpc850 main circuit and design of peripheral control and communication circuit
用"communication hardware"造句  


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